Agus Priyadi and Mafia.Or.ID

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Warp portal macro bot

Posted by mafiaid on 2 February 2008

Openkore Macros config for chat triggered warp. The triggered word is warp

    automacro warp {
    pubm /warp/i
    call portal
    macro portal{
    do stand
    do sl 27
    do warp 0
    do sit

do warp 0 means to warp in memo 0. So if you write do warp 1, it warps memo 1. Create a new automacro function and just change the warp trigger command to warp to other memo points.

14 Responses to “Warp portal macro bot”

  1. eXLaws said

    hi! can you please make an example of this one. im a newbie and cant understand this. and can you make macro where the player will just deal amount then warp to that place. ex ice dun=2k player1 will give 2k then warp to ice..

  2. jayyy said

    hi ,can u send me a macro.txt for this supprot bot

  3. Angah said

    hai..boleh tak hantar config penuh..saya xbrapa fahamla nak setupnye..

  4. dinokazares said

    can you make macro where the player will just deal amount then warp to that place. ex ice dun=2k player1 will give 2k then warp to ice..

  5. sent it to me

  6. yhani!! said

    guys inid macro bot T_T plz send 2 my YM ONLINE24/7 tnx add me ^_^

  7. ei18ya said

    pede pakita sakin kung saan ilalagay yan config na yan at kung panuh ung warp portal na nagkakapera

  8. ei18ya said

    add mo ko

  9. kuya can u teach me

    can you make me to warp to hard_treasure

    im playing seireiteiro
    pls help

    pls give me a copy in my email

  10. hi! can you please make an example of this one. im a newbie and cant understand this. and can you make macro where the player will just deal amount then warp to that place. ex ice dun=2k player1 will give 2k then warp to ice.. please pass in my email

  11. jeruki said

    hi. im jek, can someone send me warp macro.. of icedun(2.5k), thordun (4k), moskdun(2k)? please with buff to the customer.. and can you teach me how i will run macro.. many thanks.. this is my email

  12. Jordan said

    hello…can you make EXAMPLE of macro where the player will just deal amount then warp to that place. ex moscovia_fild = 2k player1 will give 2k then warp to moscovia..


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  14. click here said

    click here…

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